Behind the Scenes with
Desirée Lydia
Design was always a part of my life, from picking the best fonts for book reports in my elementary years to making sure the colours in my bedroom matched, but I knew it was my career choice when I went into a movie theatre and saw the VIP menu design. I told the person I was with that "this is what I want to do" as I pointed to the menu and drooled over its typography. Just two days later, I signed up for the Bachelors of Applied Design program at Lasalle College. I spent the next four years focusing on and completing my bachelor's degree with honours.
Since jumping into the graphic design world years ago and working on many freelance projects for clients worldwide, I now run and operate Desiree Lydia Creative that takes on all types of projects from small business solutions to major film and tv productions. My full-time gig however, is being a wife to my hubs T and mama of two little rugrats!